Is Obama Telling Us the Truth About His Place of Birth and Religion?

For those looking for an answer to this question, you may want to listen to the interview by NBC Nightly News anchor, Brian Williams, of Obama done on 8-29-10. The answers that Obama gives are quite revealing in this regard.

First, when Williams informed him that one-fifth of Americans do not believe that he is American-born and also believe that he is not a Christian but rather a Muslim, he answered "American born and Muslim are not the same thing?" And just what does Obama mean by that statement? He says, "the facts are the facts." But he surely does not tell us what those facts are.

Second, regarding the question of his birth place and religion, Obama says that he went through that during the campaign for Senator and President. Evidently, Obama feels that he has no obligation to tell the American people the truth about those issues at this time. Rather than address the issues with solid facts, he dismisses them as mere campaign smears which he has already overcome by winning the election.

Third, why would Obama believe that in order to address the question of where he was born he has to "spend all of [his] time with [his] birth certificate plastered on [his] forehead?" He tells us that to address the questions of concerned Americans regarding his birth certificate he would have to "spend all [his] time" on the birth certificate issue and that if he did he would not get much done. But how much time would it take for him to simply release his 1961 contemporaneous birth certificate to the public? He could start by posting it on the internet just like he posted in 2008 his questionable 2007 Certification of Live Birth (COLB). I can estimate the time for him to do that being 5 to 10 minutes.

Fourth, Obama says that he trusts in the "American people's capacity" to do the right thing and that he will "always put [his] money on the American people." If he has so much trust in them and would always "put his money on them," then why will he not release his birth certificate and his education, travel, and work documents for the American people to see?

We cannot put much trust in anything that Obama says. It is quite clear from Obama's answers that he is not telling the American people the truth about where he was born or about his religion. Rather, what we must do is ask him the proper questions and demand from him his evidence which proves that what he says in response to those questions is true.

And a special note to Brian Williams, it's a lot more than one-fifth of the American people asking questions. Up to 60% in this CNN poll have doubts about Obama's origins.

The interview can be seen here on YouTube:

Mario Apuzzo, Esq.
August 30, 2010

Comments by CDR Kerchner (Ret):

Read this essay by Attorney Mario Apuzzo on the difference between being a "Citizen of the United States" and being a "natural born Citizen of the United States":

Not telling the truth is in Obama's blood and part and parcel of who he is. It comes both from the teachings of Islam via his Islamic upbringing in Indonesia until approximately the age of 10 and also via his mastering the teachings of Saul Alinsky in the use of lying and deception to obtain your goals when he worked as a community organizer in Chicago.
1. Lying is the tool of the community organizer which was Obama's primary occupation prior to entering politics. Obama is a grandmaster of the teachings of Saul Alinsky who taught that lying and deception to reach your goal are perfectly acceptable. The ends justifies the means. See Saul Alinsky's Rules for Radicals:
2. The Islamic Principle of Lying to Further the Advance of Islam. See "Understanding Taqiyya"

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