Members of Congress Internal Memo--What to Tell Your Constituents in Answer to Obama Eligibility Questions - Their Talking Points Internal Memo Revealed

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Members of Congress Internal Memorandum -- What to Tell Your Constituents in Answer to Obama Eligibility Questions - Their Talking Points Internal Memo Revealed. This was the spin that the Members of Congress were given to keep the American electorate at bay and confused in the debate about Obama's eligibility issues all the while the Congress did nothing to investigate the matter in a congressional hearing like they did for similar concerns about John McCain.

We have obtained a copy of the talking points memorandum put out by a lawyer for the Congressional Research Service to the Members of Congress back in April 2009 as to what to tell their constituents when they write to the Members of Congress and ask questions about Obama's eligibility. Now we know why all the answers coming back to constituents sounded like they were written by the same person and were full of the same obfuscations, omitted facts from history, and half truths & non-truths.

This internal memorandum to Members of Congress is the smoking gun that absolutely proves that every Member of Congress knew that Obama was never vetted by anyone or any institution as to his constitutional eligibility to be President and Commander in Chief of the military ... and yet Congress did NOTHING about it. This lack of vetting by anyone was detailed starting on page 19 of the Kerchner et al v Obama et al Complaint filed in Jan 2009.

This copy was obtained via the diligent and persistent efforts of a patriot going by the pen name of "Tom Deacon" who obtained it from a Senator's office. Now we know the talking points the DC insiders and politicians have been groomed with to feed to their constituents who have been asking questions about the eligibility issues. Thank you Tom. Here is the link to the internal memorandum:

Link to read or get your copy of the Congressional Research Service (CRS) internal Congressional Memorandum about the Obama eligibility questions issue:

The Catalog of Evidence - Concerned Americans Have Good Reason to Doubt Obama was Born in Hawaii:

Obama May be a "Citizen of the United States" but He is NOT a "natural born Citizen of the United States":

To read the Kerchner et al v Obama & Congress et al lawsuit Petition to the U.S. Supreme Court filed on 30 Sep 2010 which is now scheduled on the court docket for discussion by the Supreme Court Justices in conference by them on 23 Nov 2010 see this link:

Update: YouTube video about this CRS memo find:

Mario Apuzzo

P.S. The Congressional Research Service is part of the Library of Congress. It theoretically works for the Congressional Committees which means IT WORKS FOR THE PARTY THAT CONTROLS CONGRESS (in this case the Progressive controlled Democratic Party). Every report they issue (on the request of COMMITTEE CHAIRMEN who want them), is slanted to the ideology of the committee in charge because lawyers are partisan. 90% of them on this project are liberal. They are the same lawyers the White House used to research their legal position in the fight to kill the Citizens United lawsuit when they fought McCain Feingold ...
L. Paige Whitaker, Legislative Attorney; Erika K. Lunder, Legislative Attorney;
Kate M. Manuel, Legislative Attorney; Jack Maskell, Legislative Attorney; Michael V. Seitzinger, Legislative Attorney

We need your help to fight this battle to get the truth out. If you can help the cause of truth and our battle to protect our liberty, please visit this link and make a donation. Thank you.
CDR Charles Kerchner (Ret)
Lead Plaintiff, Kerchner et al v Obama et al

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